ASK for Fun Extended Care Program

Our extended care program offers both before and after school care to those families who may need that service. You will find the program’s description, admission policies, fees and other pertinent information below.

If your family intends to make use of this program (before and/or after school care) during the upcoming school year, please note that all necessary paperwork and registration fees must be submitted to the school office as soon as possible. Space will be limited and registrations will be taken on a first come, first serve basis.

ASK 2024-2025 Application Packet 

  • Philosophy and Goals

    The ASK For Fun Program is an extension of our school day program and incorporates the same mission of providing a quality Catholic education for our students. The program strives to create opportunities that will challenge each child to develop his/her personal potential in a Christian community.

    The program will:

    • Provide a safe, encouraging environment for children needing before and/or after school care in a familiar setting.
    • Schedule appropriate physical activities, quiet study time, and enrichment activities for all participants to enhance the regular school day experience.
    • Allow for interaction with other children and adult caregivers to help foster a sense of community.
  • Schedule